Black-crested Coquette

TAXONOMIC TREE:  Caprimulgiformes, Trochilidae, Lophornis helenae

@ Arenal Observatory Lodge, Alajuela, Costa Rica

The Black-crested Coquette (Lophornis helenae) is a tiny, insectlike hummingbird of humid tropical forest and edge in foothills and lowlands; infrequently seen. Feeds quietly at all levels in small flowers where could easily be passed off as a big moth or bumblebee (and vice versa). Male often perches on exposed thin twigs. Feeding flight notably slow and beelike, with tail held cocked to show off bold white rump band. Male has long wispy crest of black feathers and bright red bill. Female has boldly spotted underparts and white rump band.

Black-crested Coquette Distribution Map (from eBird)


@ Arenal Observatory Lodge, Alajuela, Costa Rica

@ Arenal Observatory Lodge, Alajuela, Costa Rica

@ Arenal Observatory Lodge, Alajuela, Costa Rica

@ Arenal Observatory Lodge, Alajuela, Costa Rica

*Some of this website's species' photos (all taken by me) may have been taken in other nearby countries.