Plain-breasted Ground Dove

TAXONOMIC TREE:  Columbiformes, Columbidae, Columbina minuata

*@ Belize City - Biltmore Plaza Hotel, Belize

The Plain-breasted Ground Dove (Columbina minuta) has a large but discontinuous distribution. It can be found from southern Mexico south through Central America to Colombia, over northern South America to Trinidad and the Guianas, and in central Brazil south to northeast Argentina. Additionally, it occurs on the Pacific coast of Ecuador and Peru. In Central America, the Plain-breasted Ground Dove is generally less common than other Columbina doves and tends to be more of a habitat specialist. It prefers savannas, open grasslands with scattered low bushes, and can also be found locally in cane fields and pastures. These doves are usually seen in pairs or small groups, sometimes associating with other ground doves

Plain-breasted Ground Dove Distribution Map (from eBird)


@ Tres Garantías, QROO, MX

@ Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary - Bird's Eye View Lodge, Belize District, Belize

*Some of this website's species' photos (all taken by me) may have been taken in other nearby countries.