Purple-crowned Fairy

TAXONOMIC TREE:  Caprimulgiformes, Trochilidae, Heliothryx barroti

*@ Arenal Peninsula road shortcut to dam, Alajuela, Costa Rica

The Purple-crowned Fairy (Heliothryx barroti) is a flashy, rather large hummingbird of humid tropical lowlands. It favors forest edges, adjacent clearings with scattered trees and flowering bushes, and gardens. Feeds at all levels, but often in the canopy, hovering with its tail cocked and frequently flashed open to show extensive white. Note the gleaming snow-white underparts, brilliant emerald-green upperparts, and flashy white outer tail feathers. Bill is medium-length, black, and sharply pointed (often pierces flower bases to get nectar).

Purple-crowned Fairy Distribution Map (from eBird)


@ PN Tikal - hotel Jungle Lodge; Petén District; Guatemala

@ PN Tikal - hotel Jungle Lodge; Petén District; Guatemala

@ Arenal Peninsula road shortcut to dam, Alajuela, Costa Rica

*Some of this website's species' photos (all taken by me) may have been taken in other nearby countries.