Band-tailed Pigeon

TAXONOMIC TREE:  Columbiformes, Columbidae, Patagioenas fasciata

*@ Kiln Canyon, San Joaquin County, CA, USA

The Band-tailed Pigeon (Patagioenas fasciata) is a year-round resident of Central America and parts of South America, extending southward to Argentina. It is locally common but decreasing in Colombia and Venezuela, and it is now a rare visitor to Trinidad (with no records in Tobago). In the United States and British Columbia, the Pacific Coast race of Band-tailed Pigeon is well-studied, inhabiting mountain ranges along the Pacific Coast and showing stable trends in abundance. The Interior population in the western United States has experienced a long-term decline in abundance, while the Pacific Coast population remains relatively stable.

Band-tailed Pigeon Distribution Map (from eBird)


@  Lancaster Rd, near Oakdale, CA, USA

@ Kiln Canyon, San Joaquin County, CA, USA

@  Lancaster Rd, near Oakdale, CA, USA

*Some of this website's species' photos (all taken by me) may have been taken in other nearby countries.