Long-billed Hermit

TAXONOMIC TREE:  Caprimulgiformes, Trochilidae, Phaethornis longirostris

@ Green Hills Butterfly Ranch, Cayo District, Belize

The Long-billed Hermit (Phaethornis longirostris) is a hummingbird species that is widely distributed in Central America and is found from Mexico’s Oaxaca and Chiapas states south through Costa Rica, and Panama into northwestern Colombia. It favors shady forest understory and edges, especially with patches of Heliconia flowers. Males sit and sing tirelessly from perches in the understory while pumping their tail. Unlike many hummingbirds, hermits do not defend a patch of flowers but zip between widely scattered flowers, a strategy known as traplining (like it is checking widely scattered nectar traps). The species is currently listed as of “Least Concern” in terms of conservation status.

Long-billed Hermit Distribution Map (from eBird)


@ Green Hills Butterfly Ranch, Cayo District, Belize

@ Green Hills Butterfly Ranch, Cayo District, Belize

@ Pook's Hill Lodge, Cayo District, Belize