Green Thorntail

TAXONOMIC TREE:  Caprimulgiformes, Trochilidae, Discosura conversii

@ Rancho Naturalista, Cartago, Costa Rica

The Green Thorntail is a small hummingbird with males measuring about 9.5 to 10.2 cm long and females about 6.6 to 7.5 cm. The adult male has a dark green crown, a lighter more metallic green back, and a deeply forked bluish-black tail, while the female’s tail is notched, but not elongated. This bird is found on the Caribbean slope in Costa Rica and the Pacific slopes of Panama. It is judged to be rare and local in Panama, and uncommon in Costa Rica and Ecuador

Green Thorntail Distribution Map (from eBird)


@ Rancho Naturalista, Cartago, Costa Rica