Lesser Violetear

TAXONOMIC TREE:  Caprimulgiformes, Trochilidae, Colibri cyanotus

@ Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, San José, Costa Rica

The Lesser Violetear (Colibri cyanotus), a medium-sized hummingbird, is known for its shining green body, glittering violet ear-patch, and a metallic blue-green tail with a prominent black subterminal band. It measures around 9.7 to 12 cm in length, with a mostly straight black bill that slightly curves downward. This species is commonly found in forested areas across Central America from southern Mexico down through Panama. Despite concerns about habitat loss in some regions due to deforestation, its population trend appears to be stable and it is not currently considered threatened.

Lesser Violetear Distribution Map (from eBird)


@ Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, San José, Costa Rica

@ Miriam's Restaurant, San José, Costa Rica

@ Paraiso Quetzal Lodge, San José, Costa Rica